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Press quotes


Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auswahl an Zitaten aus Presseberichten über die Kesslerin. Die vollständigen Berichte können Sie auf Seite 2 einsehen.


Die durch verschiedene Fachmedien wie: "Wild und Hund" (18/2002, 18/2001), "Die Pirsch", "Deutsche Jagdzeitung", "DWJ" - "Weidwerk", "Safari und Jagd" - präsentierte Jagdwaffe, erzielte im internationalen Vergleich und in der Beurteilung einen Volltreffer. Diese handgearbeitete superleichte Pirschbüchse unterscheidet sich von den Serienmodellen des Weltmarktes hinsichtlich Ausführung, Modifizierung und des geringen Gewichtes.


Das Bergrennen ("The mountain race")

DJZ, issue 6/2000


Lightweight bolt-action rifles which are easy to handle – Mountain Rifles – belong to a domain which is dominated by US manufacturers. The German company Kessler has taken up the challenge with the traditional manufacturers Winchester and Savage and entered the race with its ultra lightweight bolt-action rifle. Its advantages: exceptional accuracy, even when the barrel heats up, sleek, easy to handle, light – excellent open sight, sling swivel mounted on the barrel; – reliable system; – firing pin safety; –excellent trigger. [read more...]


Schlanke Linie ("Sleek design")

Die Pirsch, October 2000 issue


"Heinrich Weidinger discovered a bolt-action rifle of exceptional quality at the IWA 2000 which had been hand crafted by Roland Kessler, a native of Lower Bavaria. His assessment: A fine rifle – not just for hunting deer."

Leichtgewicht Kessler Repetierbüchse ("Lightweight Kessler bolt-action rifle")

DWJ, February 2001 issue


"Mountain hunters prefer light rifles which are easy to handle. Sleek, single-shot breakdown rifles or specialized bolt-action rifles are the best choice for this type of terrain. Yet, the popular 98-type action is hardly ever used in these rifles, as it is by nature simply too heavy. However, it can be done!
At a glance – the system has been extensively modified and its weight has been reduced considerably – patented trigger with a low profile; – three shot magazine with hinged floor plate; – sleek hand-crafted stock; – lightweight; very accurate." [read more...]

Traumfigur ("A dream body")

Wild und Hund, issue no. 18, September 2001


"Elegant, graceful lines, perfect measurements, ideal weight…" – A personal ad? No, at least not in the strictest sense, because in the case of the "Kesslerin" it is a modified and ultra lightweight 98 type rifle." [read more...] [read more...]

Kesslerin, easy to handle

Weidwerk - Austria, Austria's technical report of September 20011


"The Bavarian gunsmith Kessler manufactures a bolt-action rifle in series using the System K 98 which – unlike the usual modified rifles – have proven to be very interesting, easy to handle and elegant in design. The publication WEIDWERK tested the "Kesslerin".
Its findings: Aesthetically pleasing design, easy to handle and impressive performance." [read more...]


"Die Kessler-Zwillinge" ("The Kessler Twins")

Wild und Hund, September 2002 issue


"A new addition to the Kessler family: With a short barrel rifle and Stutzen, the master craftsman and gunsmith, Roland Kessler, has expanded his range of 98-type action rifles." [read more...]


...und es gibt sie doch! (...and it does exist!)

Austria's St. Hubertus, October 2002 issue


"Up to now, hunters have searched in vain for a lightweight, easy to handle "Mountain Rifle" made in Germany. The master gunsmith Roland Kessler has manufactured a bolt-action rifle on the Mauser 98 basis, the "Kesslerin", which is unparalleled to date. To achieve this, Roland Kessler had to come up with a new concept in manufacturing rifles." [read more...]


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